
A collection of Demand by Design brain power aiming to impact and transform business and the world.

Questions Organizations Ask Prospective MSPs

In talking to a number of IT departments and MSPs over years, I hear the same few questions come up over and over when the SMB is evaluating a perspective service provider. Here is a list of what I hear most often and some thoughts about how to respond: Do you have...

When Shared Services Break Down

Shared services offer a number of wonderful benefits for small VARs and MSPs including low-cost, efficiency, breadth of support and 24/7 operation to name a few. These are great features when your business is growing and you are new to offering services. However as...

Scale and Shifting Efficiency

Shared Services NOC a Perfect Beginning When a VAR first decides it is time to begin to shift their business to the MSP model, they start moving customer by customer away from break-fix and over to a managed service that fits their needs. This is often a process that...

Selecting a Cloud Services Provider

The choice of a cloud provider can determine the success or failure of your project. When researching potential cloud providers it is critical to look behind brand and market share to be sure the services they deliver fit you needs for the time frame you need them. A...

All Clouds Are Not the Same

I came upon a recent blog post by David Linthicum from InforWorld. In this article David makes a case that innovation in a hot market is too risky and that this belief leads to a market filled with me too, little box products. In particular, he is referring to the...

Pricing Strategies for MSPs

By mitch Establishing a pricing approach can be one of the most daunting decisions MSP executives make. Price too high and you will lose business, but if your price is too low you will compromise margins and risk your profitability and survival. Exacerbating matters...